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Android APIs
public static final class


extends Object
implements BaseColumns CalendarContract.CalendarColumns CalendarContract.EventsColumns
   ↳ android.provider.CalendarContract.Instances

Class Overview

Fields and helpers for interacting with Instances. An instance is a single occurrence of an event including time zone specific start and end days and minutes. The instances table is not writable and only provides a way to query event occurrences.


String BEGIN The beginning time of the instance, in UTC milliseconds.
String END The ending time of the instance, in UTC milliseconds.
String END_DAY The Julian end day of the instance, relative to the local time zone.
String END_MINUTE The end minute of the instance measured from midnight in the local time zone.
String EVENT_ID The _id of the event for this instance.
String START_DAY The Julian start day of the instance, relative to the local time zone.
String START_MINUTE The start minute of the instance measured from midnight in the local time zone.
Inherited Constants
From interface android.provider.BaseColumns
From interface android.provider.CalendarContract.CalendarColumns
From interface android.provider.CalendarContract.EventsColumns
public static final Uri CONTENT_BY_DAY_URI The content:// style URL for querying an instance range by Julian Day.
public static final Uri CONTENT_SEARCH_BY_DAY_URI The content:// style URL for querying an instance range with a search term.
public static final Uri CONTENT_SEARCH_URI The content:// style URL for querying an instance range with a search term.
public static final Uri CONTENT_URI The content:// style URL for querying an instance range.
Public Methods
final static Cursor query(ContentResolver cr, String[] projection, long begin, long end)
Performs a query to return all visible instances in the given range.
final static Cursor query(ContentResolver cr, String[] projection, long begin, long end, String searchQuery)
Performs a query to return all visible instances in the given range that match the given query.
Inherited Methods
From class java.lang.Object


public static final String BEGIN

Added in API level 14

The beginning time of the instance, in UTC milliseconds. Column name.

Type: INTEGER (long; millis since epoch)

Constant Value: "begin"

public static final String END

Added in API level 14

The ending time of the instance, in UTC milliseconds. Column name.

Type: INTEGER (long; millis since epoch)

Constant Value: "end"

public static final String END_DAY

Added in API level 14

The Julian end day of the instance, relative to the local time zone. Column name.

Type: INTEGER (int)

Constant Value: "endDay"

public static final String END_MINUTE

Added in API level 14

The end minute of the instance measured from midnight in the local time zone. Column name.

Type: INTEGER (int)

Constant Value: "endMinute"

public static final String EVENT_ID

Added in API level 14

The _id of the event for this instance. Column name.

Type: INTEGER (long, foreign key to the Events table)

Constant Value: "event_id"

public static final String START_DAY

Added in API level 14

The Julian start day of the instance, relative to the local time zone. Column name.

Type: INTEGER (int)

Constant Value: "startDay"

public static final String START_MINUTE

Added in API level 14

The start minute of the instance measured from midnight in the local time zone. Column name.

Type: INTEGER (int)

Constant Value: "startMinute"


public static final Uri CONTENT_BY_DAY_URI

Added in API level 14

The content:// style URL for querying an instance range by Julian Day. The start and end day should be added as path segments if this is used directly.

public static final Uri CONTENT_SEARCH_BY_DAY_URI

Added in API level 14

The content:// style URL for querying an instance range with a search term. The start day, end day, and search string should be appended as path segments if this is used directly.

public static final Uri CONTENT_SEARCH_URI

Added in API level 14

The content:// style URL for querying an instance range with a search term. The begin, end, and search string should be appended as path segments if this is used directly.

public static final Uri CONTENT_URI

Added in API level 14

The content:// style URL for querying an instance range. The begin and end of the range to query should be added as path segments if this is used directly.

Public Methods

public static final Cursor query (ContentResolver cr, String[] projection, long begin, long end)

Added in API level 14

Performs a query to return all visible instances in the given range. This is a blocking function and should not be done on the UI thread. This will cause an expansion of recurring events to fill this time range if they are not already expanded and will slow down for larger time ranges with many recurring events.

cr The ContentResolver to use for the query
projection The columns to return
begin The start of the time range to query in UTC millis since epoch
end The end of the time range to query in UTC millis since epoch
  • A Cursor containing all instances in the given range

public static final Cursor query (ContentResolver cr, String[] projection, long begin, long end, String searchQuery)

Added in API level 14

Performs a query to return all visible instances in the given range that match the given query. This is a blocking function and should not be done on the UI thread. This will cause an expansion of recurring events to fill this time range if they are not already expanded and will slow down for larger time ranges with many recurring events.

cr The ContentResolver to use for the query
projection The columns to return
begin The start of the time range to query in UTC millis since epoch
end The end of the time range to query in UTC millis since epoch
searchQuery A string of space separated search terms. Segments enclosed by double quotes will be treated as a single term.
  • A Cursor of instances matching the search terms in the given time range