Zend Framework
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- Category
- Zend
- Copyright
- Copyright (c) 2005-2014 Zend Technologies USA Inc. (
- License
- New BSD License
- Package
- Zend_Service
- Subpackage
- Yahoo
- Version
- $Id$
Package: Zend_Service\Yahoo- Category
- Zend
- Copyright
- Copyright (c) 2005-2014 Zend Technologies USA Inc. (
- License
- New BSD License

__construct(string $appId) : void
Sets the application ID and instantiates the REST client
ParametersName | Type | Description |
$appId | string | specified the developer's appid |

_checkErrors(\DOMDocument $dom) : void
staticCheck if response is an error
ParametersName | Type | Description |
$dom | \DOMDocument | DOM Object representing the result XML |

_compareOptions(array $options, array $validOptions) : void
Utility function to check for a difference between two arrays.
ParametersName | Type | Description |
$options | array | User specified options |
$validOptions | array | Valid options |

_prepareOptions(string $query, array $options, array $defaultOptions = array()) : array
Prepare options for sending to Yahoo!
ParametersName | Type | Description |
$query | string | Search Query |
$options | array | User specified options |
$defaultOptions | array | Required/Default options |

_validateImageSearch(array $options) : void
Validate Image Search Options
ParametersName | Type | Description |
$options | array | |

_validateInArray(string $name, mixed $value, array $array) : void
Check that a named value is in the given array
ParametersName | Type | Description |
$name | string | Name associated with the value |
$value | mixed | Value |
$array | array | Array in which to check for the value |

_validateInlinkDataSearch(array $options) : void
Validate Inlink Data Search Options
ParametersName | Type | Description |
$options | array | |

_validateLanguage(string $lang) : void
Throws an exception if the chosen language is not supported
ParametersName | Type | Description |
$lang | string | Language code |

_validateLocalSearch(array $options) : void
Validate Local Search Options
ParametersName | Type | Description |
$options | array | |

_validateNewsSearch(array $options) : void
Validate News Search Options
ParametersName | Type | Description |
$options | array | |

_validatePageDataSearch(array $options) : void
Validate Page Data Search Options
ParametersName | Type | Description |
$options | array | |

_validateVideoSearch(array $options) : void
Validate Video Search Options
ParametersName | Type | Description |
$options | array | |

_validateWebSearch(array $options) : void
Validate Web Search Options
ParametersName | Type | Description |
$options | array | |

imageSearch(string $query, array $options = array()) : \Zend_Service_Yahoo_ImageResultSet
Perform a search of images. The most basic query consists simply
of a plain text search, but you can also specify the type of
image, the format, color, etc.
The specific options are:
'type' => (all|any|phrase) How to parse the query terms
'results' => int How many results to return, max is 50
'start' => int The start offset for search results
'format' => (any|bmp|gif|jpeg|png) The type of images to search for
'coloration' => (any|color|bw) The coloration of images to search for
'adult_ok' => bool Flag to allow 'adult' images.
ParametersName | Type | Description |
$query | string | the query to be run |
$options | array | an optional array of query options |

inlinkDataSearch(string $query, array $options = array()) : \Zend_Service_Yahoo_ResultSet
Retrieve Inlink Data from A basic query
consists simply of a URL. Additional options that can be
specified consist of:
'results' => int How many results to return, max is 100
'start' => int The start offset for search results
'entire_site' => bool Data for the whole site or a single page
'omit_inlinks' => (none|domain|subdomain) Filter inlinks from these sources
ParametersName | Type | Description |
$query | string | the query being run |
$options | array | any optional parameters |

localSearch(string $query, array $options = array()) : \Zend_Service_Yahoo_LocalResultSet
Perform a search on The basic search
consists of a query and some fragment of location information;
for example zipcode, latitude/longitude, or street address.
Query options include:
'results' => int How many results to return, max is 50
'start' => int The start offset for search results
'sort' => (relevance|title|distance|rating) How to order your results
'radius' => float The radius (in miles) in which to search
'longitude' => float The longitude of the location to search around
'latitude' => float The latitude of the location to search around
'zip' => string The zipcode to search around
'street' => string The street address to search around
'city' => string The city for address search
'state' => string The state for address search
'location' => string An adhoc location string to search around
ParametersName | Type | Description |
$query | string | The query string you want to run |
$options | array | The search options, including location |

newsSearch(string $query, array $options = array()) : \Zend_Service_Yahoo_NewsResultSet
Execute a search on This method minimally takes a
text query to search on.
Query options coonsist of:
'results' => int How many results to return, max is 50
'start' => int The start offset for search results
'sort' => (rank|date) How to order your results
'language' => lang The target document language to match
'type' => (all|any|phrase) How the query should be parsed
'site' => string A site to which your search should be restricted
ParametersName | Type | Description |
$query | string | The query to run |
$options | array | The array of optional parameters |

pageDataSearch(string $query, array $options = array()) : \Zend_Service_Yahoo_ResultSet
Retrieve Page Data from A basic query
consists simply of a URL. Additional options that can be
specified consist of:
'results' => int How many results to return, max is 100
'start' => int The start offset for search results
'domain_only' => bool Data for just the given domain or all sub-domains also
ParametersName | Type | Description |
$query | string | the query being run |
$options | array | any optional parameters |

videoSearch(string $query, array $options = array()) : \Zend_Service_Yahoo_VideoResultSet
Perform a search of videos. The most basic query consists simply
of a plain text search, but you can also specify the format of
The specific options are:
'type' => (all|any|phrase) How to parse the query terms
'results' => int How many results to return, max is 50
'start' => int The start offset for search results
'format' => (any|avi|flash|mpeg|msmedia|quicktime|realmedia) The type of videos to search for
'adult_ok' => bool Flag to allow 'adult' videos.
ParametersName | Type | Description |
$query | string | the query to be run |
$options | array | an optional array of query options |

webSearch(string $query, array $options = array()) : \Zend_Service_Yahoo_WebResultSet
Perform a web content search on A basic query
consists simply of a text query. Additional options that can be
specified consist of:
'results' => int How many results to return, max is 50
'start' => int The start offset for search results
'language' => lang The target document language to match
'type' => (all|any|phrase) How the query should be parsed
'site' => string A site to which your search should be restricted
'format' => (any|html|msword|pdf|ppt|rss|txt|xls)
'adult_ok' => bool permit 'adult' content in the search results
'similar_ok' => bool permit similar results in the result set
'country' => string The country code for the content searched
'license' => (any|cc_any|cc_commercial|cc_modifiable) The license of content being searched
'region' => The regional search engine on which the service performs the search. default us.
ParametersName | Type | Description |
$query | string | the query being run |
$options | array | any optional parameters |