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- Category
- Zend
- Copyright
- Copyright (c) 2005-2014 Zend Technologies USA Inc. (
- License
- New BSD License
- Package
- Zend_Service
- Subpackage
- Technorati
- Version
- $Id$
Package: Zend_Service\TechnoratiZend_Service_Technorati provides an easy, intuitive and object-oriented interface
for using the Technorati API.
It provides access to all available Technorati API queries
and returns the original XML response as a friendly PHP object.
- Category
- Zend
- Copyright
- Copyright (c) 2005-2014 Zend Technologies USA Inc. (
- License
- New BSD License

__construct(string $apiKey) : void
Constructs a new Zend_Service_Technorati instance
and setup character encoding.
ParametersName | Type | Description |
$apiKey | string | Your Technorati API key |

_checkResponse(\Zend_Http_Response $response) : void
staticChecks ReST response for errors.
ParametersThrowsDetails- Access
- protected

_compareOptions(array $options, array $validOptions) : void
Checks whether user given options are valid.
ParametersName | Type | Description |
$options | array | user options |
$validOptions | array | valid options |
ThrowsDetails- Access
- protected

_convertResponseAndCheckContent(\Zend_Http_Response $response) : \DOMDocument
Converts $response body to a DOM object and checks it.
ParametersReturnsThrowsDetails- Access
- protected

_makeRequest(string $path, array $options = array()) : \Zend_Http_Response
Makes and HTTP GET request to given $path with $options.
HTTP Response is first validated, then returned.
ParametersName | Type | Description |
$path | string | |
$options | array | |
ReturnsThrowsDetails- Access
- protected

_prepareOptions(array $options, array $defaultOptions) : array
Prepares options for the request
ParametersName | Type | Description |
$options | array | user options |
$defaultOptions | array | default options |
ReturnsType | Description |
array | Merged array of user and default/required options. |
Details- Access
- protected

_validateBlogInfo(array $options) : void
Validates BlogInfo query options.
ParametersName | Type | Description |
$options | array | |
ThrowsDetails- Access
- protected

_validateBlogPostTags(array $options) : void
Validates TopTags query options.
ParametersName | Type | Description |
$options | array | |
ThrowsDetails- Access
- protected

_validateCosmos(array $options) : void
Validates Cosmos query options.
ParametersName | Type | Description |
$options | array | |
ThrowsDetails- Access
- protected

_validateDailyCounts(array $options) : void
Validates DailyCounts query options.
ParametersName | Type | Description |
$options | array | |
ThrowsDetails- Access
- protected

_validateGetInfo(array $options) : void
Validates GetInfo query options.
ParametersName | Type | Description |
$options | array | |
ThrowsDetails- Access
- protected

_validateInArrayOption(string $name, array $options, array $array) : void
Checks whether an option is in a given array.
ParametersName | Type | Description |
$name | string | option name |
$options | array | |
$array | array | array of valid options |
ThrowsDetails- Access
- protected

_validateIntegerOption( $name, array $options) : void
Checks whether $name option is a valid integer and casts it.
ParametersName | Type | Description |
$name | | |
$options | array | |
Details- Access
- protected

_validateMandatoryOption( $name, array $options) : void
Checks whether mandatory $name option exists and it's valid.
ParametersName | Type | Description |
$name | | |
$options | array | |
ThrowsDetails- Access
- protected

_validateOptionClaim(array $options) : void
Checks whether 'claim' option value is valid.
ParametersName | Type | Description |
$options | array | |
Details- Access
- protected

_validateOptionFormat(array $options) : void
Checks whether 'format' option value is valid.
Be aware that Zend_Service_Technorati supports only XML as format value.
ParametersName | Type | Description |
$options | array | |
ThrowsDetails- Access
- protected

_validateOptionLimit(array $options) : void
Checks whether 'limit' option value is valid.
Value must be an integer greater than PARAM_LIMIT_MIN_VALUE
and lower than PARAM_LIMIT_MAX_VALUE.
ParametersName | Type | Description |
$options | array | |
ThrowsDetails- Access
- protected

_validateOptionStart(array $options) : void
Checks whether 'start' option value is valid.
Value must be an integer greater than 0.
ParametersName | Type | Description |
$options | array | |
ThrowsDetails- Access
- protected

_validateOptionUrl(array $options) : void
Checks whether 'url' option value exists and is valid.
'url' must be a valid HTTP(s) URL.
ParametersName | Type | Description |
$options | array | |
ThrowsDetails- Access
- protected
- Todo
- support for Zend_Uri_Http

_validateSearch(array $options) : void
Validates Search query options.
ParametersName | Type | Description |
$options | array | |
ThrowsDetails- Access
- protected

_validateTag(array $options) : void
Validates Tag query options.
ParametersName | Type | Description |
$options | array | |
ThrowsDetails- Access
- protected

_validateTopTags(array $options) : void
Validates TopTags query options.
ParametersName | Type | Description |
$options | array | |
ThrowsDetails- Access
- protected

blogInfo(string $url, array $options = null) : \Zend_Service_Technorati_BlogInfoResult
BlogInfo provides information on what blog, if any, is associated with a given URL.
ParametersName | Type | Description |
$url | string | the URL you are searching for. Prefixes http:// and www. are optional.
The URL must be recognized by Technorati as a blog.
$options | array | additional parameters to refine your query |
ReturnsThrowsDetails- Link
- Technorati API: BlogInfo Query reference

blogPostTags(string $url, array $options = null) : \Zend_Service_Technorati_TagsResultSet
BlogPostTags provides information on the top tags used by a specific blog.
Query options include:
'limit' => (int)
optional - adjust the size of your result from the default value of 20
to between 1 and 100 results.
'start' => (int)
optional - adjust the range of your result set.
Set this number to larger than zero and you will receive
the portion of Technorati's total result set ranging from start to start+limit.
The default start value is 1.
Note. This property is not documented.
ParametersName | Type | Description |
$url | string | the URL you are searching for. Prefixes http:// and www. are optional.
The URL must be recognized by Technorati as a blog.
$options | array | additional parameters to refine your query |
ReturnsThrowsDetails- Link
- Technorati API: BlogPostTags Query reference

cosmos(string $url, array $options = null) : \Zend_Service_Technorati_CosmosResultSet
Cosmos query lets you see what blogs are linking to a given URL.
On the Technorati site, you can enter a URL in the searchbox and
it will return a list of blogs linking to it.
The API version allows more features and gives you a way
to use the cosmos on your own site.
Query options include:
'type' => (link|weblog)
optional - A value of link returns the freshest links referencing your target URL.
A value of weblog returns the last set of unique weblogs referencing your target URL.
'limit' => (int)
optional - adjust the size of your result from the default value of 20
to between 1 and 100 results.
'start' => (int)
optional - adjust the range of your result set.
Set this number to larger than zero and you will receive
the portion of Technorati's total result set ranging from start to start+limit.
The default start value is 1.
'current' => (true|false)
optional - the default setting of true
Technorati returns links that are currently on a weblog's homepage.
Set this parameter to false if you would like to receive all links
to the given URL regardless of their current placement on the source blog.
Internally the value is converted in (yes|no).
'claim' => (true|false)
optional - the default setting of FALSE returns no user information
about each weblog included in the result set when available.
Set this parameter to FALSE to include Technorati member data
in the result set when a weblog in your result set
has been successfully claimed by a member of Technorati.
Internally the value is converted in (int).
'highlight' => (true|false)
optional - the default setting of TRUE
highlights the citation of the given URL within the weblog excerpt.
Set this parameter to FALSE to apply no special markup to the blog excerpt.
Internally the value is converted in (int).
ParametersName | Type | Description |
$url | string | the URL you are searching for. Prefixes http:// and www. are optional. |
$options | array | additional parameters to refine your query |
ReturnsThrowsDetails- Link
- Technorati API: Cosmos Query reference

dailyCounts( $query, array $options = null) : \Zend_Service_Technorati_DailyCountsResultSet
TopTags provides daily counts of posts containing the queried keyword.
Query options include:
'days' => (int)
optional - Used to specify the number of days in the past
to request daily count data for.
Can be any integer between 1 and 180, default is 180
ParametersName | Type | Description |
$query | | |
$options | array | additional parameters to refine your query |
ReturnsThrowsDetails- Link
- Technorati API: DailyCounts Query reference

getApiKey() : string
Returns Technorati API key.
ReturnsType | Description |
string | Technorati API key |

getInfo(string $username, array $options = null) : \Zend_Service_Technorati_GetInfoResult
GetInfo query tells you things that Technorati knows about a member.
The returned info is broken up into two sections:
The first part describes some information that the user wants
to allow people to know about him- or herself.
The second part of the document is a listing of the weblogs
that the user has successfully claimed and the information
that Technorati knows about these weblogs.
ParametersName | Type | Description |
$username | string | the Technorati user name you are searching for |
$options | array | additional parameters to refine your query |
ReturnsThrowsDetails- Link
- Technorati API: GetInfo reference

getRestClient() : \Zend_Rest_Client
Returns a reference to the REST client object in use.
If the reference hasn't being inizialized yet,
then a new Zend_Rest_Client instance is created.

search(string $query, array $options = null) : \Zend_Service_Technorati_SearchResultSet
Search lets you see what blogs contain a given search string.
Query options include:
'language' => (string)
optional - a ISO 639-1 two character language code
to retrieve results specific to that language.
This feature is currently beta and may not work for all languages.
'authority' => (n|a1|a4|a7)
optional - filter results to those from blogs with at least
the Technorati Authority specified.
Technorati calculates a blog's authority by how many people link to it.
Filtering by authority is a good way to refine your search results.
There are four settings:
- n => Any authority: All results.
- a1 => A little authority: Results from blogs with at least one link.
- a4 => Some authority: Results from blogs with a handful of links.
- a7 => A lot of authority: Results from blogs with hundreds of links.
'limit' => (int)
optional - adjust the size of your result from the default value of 20
to between 1 and 100 results.
'start' => (int)
optional - adjust the range of your result set.
Set this number to larger than zero and you will receive
the portion of Technorati's total result set ranging from start to start+limit.
The default start value is 1.
'claim' => (true|false)
optional - the default setting of FALSE returns no user information
about each weblog included in the result set when available.
Set this parameter to FALSE to include Technorati member data
in the result set when a weblog in your result set
has been successfully claimed by a member of Technorati.
Internally the value is converted in (int).
ParametersName | Type | Description |
$query | string | the words you are searching for. |
$options | array | additional parameters to refine your query |
ReturnsThrowsDetails- Link
- Technorati API: Search Query reference

setApiKey(string $key) : void
Be aware that this function doesn't validate the key.
The key is validated as soon as the first API request is sent.
If the key is invalid, the API request method will throw
a Zend_Service_Technorati_Exception exception with Invalid Key message.
ParametersName | Type | Description |
$key | string | Technorati API Key |
Details- Link
- How to get your Technorati API Key

tag(string $tag, array $options = null) : \Zend_Service_Technorati_TagResultSet
Tag lets you see what posts are associated with a given tag.
Query options include:
'limit' => (int)
optional - adjust the size of your result from the default value of 20
to between 1 and 100 results.
'start' => (int)
optional - adjust the range of your result set.
Set this number to larger than zero and you will receive
the portion of Technorati's total result set ranging from start to start+limit.
The default start value is 1.
'excerptsize' => (int)
optional - number of word characters to include in the post excerpts.
By default 100 word characters are returned.
'topexcerptsize' => (int)
optional - number of word characters to include in the first post excerpt.
By default 150 word characters are returned.
ParametersName | Type | Description |
$tag | string | the tag term you are searching posts for. |
$options | array | additional parameters to refine your query |

topTags(array $options = null) : \Zend_Service_Technorati_TagsResultSet
TopTags provides information on top tags indexed by Technorati.
Query options include:
'limit' => (int)
optional - adjust the size of your result from the default value of 20
to between 1 and 100 results.
'start' => (int)
optional - adjust the range of your result set.
Set this number to larger than zero and you will receive
the portion of Technorati's total result set ranging from start to start+limit.
The default start value is 1.
ParametersName | Type | Description |
$options | array | additional parameters to refine your query |
ReturnsThrowsDetails- Link
- Technorati API: TopTags Query reference