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- Category
- Zend
- Copyright
- Copyright (c) 2005-2014 Zend Technologies USA Inc. (
- License
- New BSD License
- Package
- Zend_Search_Lucene
- Version
- $Id$
Package: Zend_Search_Lucene- Implements
- Category
- Zend
- Copyright
- Copyright (c) 2005-2014 Zend Technologies USA Inc. (
- License
- New BSD License

= 10
Generation retrieving counter

= 50
Pause between generation retrieving attempts in milliseconds

boolean $_closeDirOnExit = true
File system adapter closing option
Default valuetrue
Details- Type
- boolean

boolean $_closed = false
Signal, that index is already closed, changes are fixed and resources are cleaned up
Default valuefalse
Details- Type
- boolean

string $_defaultSearchField = null
staticDefault field name for search
Null means search through all fields
Default valuenull
Details- Type
- string

integer $_docCount = 0
Number of documents in this index.
Default value0
Details- Type
- integer

integer $_refCount = 0
Number of references to the index object
Default value0
Details- Type
- integer

array $_segmentInfos = array()
Array of Zend_Search_Lucene_Index_SegmentInfo objects for current version of index.
Default valuearray()
Details- Type
- array

integer $_termsPerQueryLimit = 1024
staticTerms per query limit
0 means no limit
Default value1024
Details- Type
- integer

commit() : void
Commit changes resulting from delete() or undeleteAll() operations.
Details- Todo
- undeleteAll processing.

find(\Zend_Search_Lucene_Search_QueryParser | string $query) : array
Performs a query against the index and returns an array
of Zend_Search_Lucene_Search_QueryHit objects.
Input is a string or Zend_Search_Lucene_Search_Query.
ParametersReturnsType | Description |
array | Zend_Search_Lucene_Search_QueryHit |

getActualGeneration(\Zend_Search_Lucene_Storage_Directory $directory) : integer
staticGet current generation number
Returns generation number
0 means pre-2.1 index format
-1 means there are no segments files.

getDefaultSearchField() : string
staticGet default search field.
Null means, that search is performed through all fields by default

getFieldNames(boolean $indexed = false) : array
Returns a list of all unique field names that exist in this index.
ParametersName | Type | Description |
$indexed | boolean | |

getGeneration() : integer
Get generation number associated with this index instance
The same generation number in pair with document number or query string
guarantees to give the same result while index retrieving.
So it may be used for search result caching.

getMaxBufferedDocs() : integer
Retrieve index maxBufferedDocs option
maxBufferedDocs is a minimal number of documents required before
the buffered in-memory documents are written into a new Segment
Default value is 10

getMaxMergeDocs() : integer
Retrieve index maxMergeDocs option
maxMergeDocs is a largest number of documents ever merged by addDocument().
Small values (e.g., less than 10,000) are best for interactive indexing,
as this limits the length of pauses while indexing to a few seconds.
Larger values are best for batched indexing and speedier searches.
Default value is PHP_INT_MAX

getMergeFactor() : integer
Retrieve index mergeFactor option
mergeFactor determines how often segment indices are merged by addDocument().
With smaller values, less RAM is used while indexing,
and searches on unoptimized indices are faster,
but indexing speed is slower.
With larger values, more RAM is used during indexing,
and while searches on unoptimized indices are slower,
indexing is faster.
Thus larger values (> 10) are best for batch index creation,
and smaller values (< 10) for indices that are interactively maintained.
Default value is 10

getSegmentFileName(integer $generation) : string
staticGet segments file name
ParametersName | Type | Description |
$generation | integer | |

getTermsPerQueryLimit() : integer
staticGet result set limit.
0 (default) means no limit

hasTerm(\Zend_Search_Lucene_Index_Term $term) : boolean
Returns true if index contain documents with specified term.
Is used for query optimization.

isDeleted(integer $id) : boolean
Checks, that document is deleted
ParametersName | Type | Description |
$id | integer | |

maxDoc() : integer
Returns one greater than the largest possible document number.
This may be used to, e.g., determine how big to allocate a structure which will have
an element for every document number in an index.

norm(integer $id, string $fieldName) : float
Returns a normalization factor for "field, document" pair.
ParametersName | Type | Description |
$id | integer | |
$fieldName | string | |

setDefaultSearchField(string $fieldName) : void
staticSet default search field.
Null means, that search is performed through all fields by default
Default value is null
ParametersName | Type | Description |
$fieldName | string | |

setFormatVersion(int $formatVersion) : void
Set index format version.
Index is converted to this format at the nearest upfdate time
ParametersName | Type | Description |
$formatVersion | int | |

setMaxBufferedDocs(integer $maxBufferedDocs) : void
Set index maxBufferedDocs option
maxBufferedDocs is a minimal number of documents required before
the buffered in-memory documents are written into a new Segment
Default value is 10
ParametersName | Type | Description |
$maxBufferedDocs | integer | |

setMaxMergeDocs(integer $maxMergeDocs) : void
Set index maxMergeDocs option
maxMergeDocs is a largest number of documents ever merged by addDocument().
Small values (e.g., less than 10,000) are best for interactive indexing,
as this limits the length of pauses while indexing to a few seconds.
Larger values are best for batched indexing and speedier searches.
Default value is PHP_INT_MAX
ParametersName | Type | Description |
$maxMergeDocs | integer | |

setMergeFactor( $mergeFactor) : void
Set index mergeFactor option
mergeFactor determines how often segment indices are merged by addDocument().
With smaller values, less RAM is used while indexing,
and searches on unoptimized indices are faster,
but indexing speed is slower.
With larger values, more RAM is used during indexing,
and while searches on unoptimized indices are slower,
indexing is faster.
Thus larger values (> 10) are best for batch index creation,
and smaller values (< 10) for indices that are interactively maintained.
Default value is 10
ParametersName | Type | Description |
$mergeFactor | | |

setResultSetLimit(integer $limit) : void
staticSet result set limit.
0 (default) means no limit
ParametersName | Type | Description |
$limit | integer | |

setTermsPerQueryLimit(integer $limit) : void
staticSet terms per query limit.
0 means no limit
ParametersName | Type | Description |
$limit | integer | |

skipTo(\Zend_Search_Lucene_Index_Term $prefix) : void
Skip terms stream up to the specified term preffix.
Prefix contains fully specified field info and portion of searched term

undeleteAll() : void
Undeletes all documents currently marked as deleted in this index.
Details- Todo
- Implementation