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- Category
- Zend
- Copyright
- Copyright (c) 2005-2014 Zend Technologies USA Inc. (http://www.zend.com)
- License
- New BSD License
- Package
- Zend_Pdf
- Subpackage
- Fonts
- Version
- $Id$
Package: Zend_Pdf\FontsAbstract helper class for {@link Zend_Pdf_Resource_Font} which manages font
character maps.
Defines the public interface for concrete subclasses which are responsible
for mapping Unicode characters to the font's glyph numbers. Also provides
shared utility methods.
Cmap objects should ordinarily be obtained through the factory method
{@link cmapWithTypeData()}.
The supported character map types are those found in the OpenType spec. For
additional detail on the internal binary format of these tables, see:
- {@link http://developer.apple.com/textfonts/TTRefMan/RM06/Chap6cmap.html}
- {@link http://www.microsoft.com/OpenType/OTSpec/cmap.htm}
- {@link http://partners.adobe.com/public/developer/opentype/index_cmap.html}
- Children
- \Zend_Pdf_Cmap_ByteEncoding
- \Zend_Pdf_Cmap_TrimmedTable
- \Zend_Pdf_Cmap_SegmentToDelta
- Copyright
- Copyright (c) 2005-2014 Zend Technologies USA Inc. (http://www.zend.com)
- License
- New BSD License
- Todo
- Write code for Zend_Pdf_FontCmap_HighByteMapping class.
- Todo
- Write code for Zend_Pdf_FontCmap_MixedCoverage class.
- Todo
- Write code for Zend_Pdf_FontCmap_TrimmedArray class.
- Todo
- Write code for Zend_Pdf_FontCmap_SegmentedCoverage class.

__construct(string $cmapData) : void
abstractObject constructor
Parses the raw binary table data. Throws an exception if the table is
ParametersName | Type | Description |
$cmapData | string | Raw binary cmap table data. |

_extractInt2( $data, integer $index) : integer
Extracts a signed 2-byte integer from a string.
Integers are always big-endian. Throws an exception if the index is out
of range.
ParametersName | Type | Description |
$data | | |
$index | integer | Position in string of integer. |

_extractUInt2( $data, integer $index) : integer
Extracts an unsigned 2-byte integer from a string.
Integers are always big-endian. Throws an exception if the index is out
of range.
ParametersName | Type | Description |
$data | | |
$index | integer | Position in string of integer. |

_extractUInt4( $data, integer $index) : integer
Extracts an unsigned 4-byte integer from a string.
Integers are always big-endian. Throws an exception if the index is out
of range.
NOTE: If you ask for a 4-byte unsigned integer on a 32-bit machine, the
resulting value WILL BE SIGNED because PHP uses signed integers internally
for everything. To guarantee portability, be sure to use bitwise or
similar operators on large integers!
ParametersName | Type | Description |
$data | | |
$index | integer | Position in string of integer. |

cmapWithTypeData(integer $cmapType, mixed $cmapData) : \Zend_Pdf_Cmap
staticInstantiates the appropriate concrete subclass based on the type of cmap
table and returns the instance.
The cmap type must be one of the following values:
- {@link Zend_Pdf_Cmap::TYPE_BYTE_ENCODING}
- {@link Zend_Pdf_Cmap::TYPE_BYTE_ENCODING_STATIC}
- {@link Zend_Pdf_Cmap::TYPE_HIGH_BYTE_MAPPING}
- {@link Zend_Pdf_Cmap::TYPE_SEGMENT_TO_DELTA}
- {@link Zend_Pdf_Cmap::TYPE_TRIMMED_TABLE}
- {@link Zend_Pdf_Cmap::TYPE_MIXED_COVERAGE}
- {@link Zend_Pdf_Cmap::TYPE_TRIMMED_ARRAY}
- {@link Zend_Pdf_Cmap::TYPE_SEGMENTED_COVERAGE}
Throws an exception if the table type is invalid or the cmap table data
cannot be validated.
ParametersName | Type | Description |
$cmapType | integer | Type of cmap. |
$cmapData | mixed | Cmap table data. Usually a string or array. |

getCoveredCharacters() : array
abstractReturns an array containing the Unicode characters that have entries in
this character map.
ReturnsType | Description |
array | Unicode character codes. |

glyphNumberForCharacter(integer $characterCode) : integer
abstractReturns the glyph number corresponding to the Unicode character.
If a particular character doesn't exist in this font, the special 'missing
character glyph' will be substituted.
See also {@link glyphNumbersForCharacters()} which is optimized for bulk
ParametersName | Type | Description |
$characterCode | integer | Unicode character code (code point). |
ReturnsType | Description |
integer | Glyph number. |

glyphNumbersForCharacters(array $characterCodes) : array
abstractReturns an array of glyph numbers corresponding to the Unicode characters.
If a particular character doesn't exist in this font, the special 'missing
character glyph' will be substituted.
See also {@link glyphNumberForCharacter()}.
ParametersName | Type | Description |
$characterCodes | array | Array of Unicode character codes (code points). |
ReturnsType | Description |
array | Array of glyph numbers. |