- Category
- Zend
- Copyright
- Copyright (c) 2005-2014 Zend Technologies USA Inc. (
- License
- New BSD License
- Package
- Zend_OpenId
- Subpackage
- Zend_OpenId_Provider
- Version
- $Id$
- Category
- Zend
- Copyright
- Copyright (c) 2005-2014 Zend Technologies USA Inc. (
- License
- New BSD License

__construct(string $loginUrl = null, string $trustUrl = null, \Zend_OpenId_Provider_User $user = null, \Zend_OpenId_Provider_Storage $storage = null, integer $sessionTtl = 3600) : void
Constructs a Zend_OpenId_Provider object with given parameters.
Name | Type | Description |
$loginUrl | string | is an URL that provides login screen for end-user (by default it is the same URL with additional GET variable openid.action=login) |
$trustUrl | string | is an URL that shows a question if end-user trust to given consumer (by default it is the same URL with additional GET variable openid.action=trust) |
$user | \Zend_OpenId_Provider_User | is an object for communication with User-Agent and store information about logged-in user (it is a Zend_OpenId_Provider_User_Session object by default) |
$storage | \Zend_OpenId_Provider_Storage | is an object for keeping persistent database (it is a Zend_OpenId_Provider_Storage_File object by default) |
$sessionTtl | integer | is a default time to live for association session in seconds (1 hour by default). Consumer must reestablish association after that time. |

_associate(float $version, array $params) : array
Processes association request from OpenID consumerm generates secret shared key and send it back using Diffie-Hellman encruption.
Name | Type | Description |
$version | float | OpenID version |
$params | array | GET or POST request variables |
Type | Description |
array |

_checkAuthentication(float $version, array $params) : array
Performs authentication validation for dumb consumers Returns array of variables to push back to consumer.
Name | Type | Description |
$version | float | OpenID version |
$params | array | GET or POST request variables |
Type | Description |
array |

_checkId(float $version, array $params, bool $immediate, mixed $extensions = null, \Zend_Controller_Response_Abstract $response = null) : array
Performs authentication (or authentication check).
Name | Type | Description |
$version | float | OpenID version |
$params | array | GET or POST request variables |
$immediate | bool | enables or disables interaction with user |
$extensions | mixed | extension object or array of extensions objects |
$response | \Zend_Controller_Response_Abstract |
Type | Description |
array |

_genSecret(string $func) : mixed
Generates a secret key for given hash function, returns RAW key or false if function is not supported
Name | Type | Description |
$func | string | hash function (sha1 or sha256) |
Type | Description |
mixed |

_respond(float $version, array $ret, array $params, mixed $extensions = null) : array
Perepares information to send back to consumer's authentication request and signs it using shared secret.
Name | Type | Description |
$version | float | OpenID protcol version |
$ret | array | arguments to be send back to consumer |
$params | array | GET or POST request variables |
$extensions | mixed | extension object or array of extensions objects |
Type | Description |
array |

_secureStringCompare(string $a, string $b) : bool
Securely compare two strings for equality while avoided C level memcmp() optimisations capable of leaking timing information useful to an attacker attempting to iteratively guess the unknown string (e.g. password) being compared against.
Name | Type | Description |
$a | string | |
$b | string |
Type | Description |
bool |

allowSite(string $root, mixed $extensions = null) : bool
Allows consumer with given root URL to authenticate current logged in user. Returns true on success and false on error.
Name | Type | Description |
$root | string | root URL |
$extensions | mixed | extension object or array of extensions objects |
Type | Description |
bool |

delSite(string $root) : bool
Delete consumer with given root URL from known sites of current logged in user. Next time this consumer will try to authenticate the user, Provider will ask user's confirmation.
Name | Type | Description |
$root | string | root URL |
Type | Description |
bool |

denySite(string $root) : bool
Prohibit consumer with given root URL to authenticate current logged in user. Returns true on success and false on error.
Name | Type | Description |
$root | string | root URL |
Type | Description |
bool |

getLoggedInUser() : mixed
Returns identity URL of current logged in user or false
Type | Description |
mixed |

getSiteRoot(array $params) : mixed
Retrieve consumer's root URL from request query.
Name | Type | Description |
$params | array | query arguments |
Type | Description |
mixed |

getTrustedSites() : mixed
Returns list of known consumers for current logged in user or false if he is not logged in.
Type | Description |
mixed |

handle(array $params = null, mixed $extensions = null, \Zend_Controller_Response_Abstract $response = null) : mixed
Handles HTTP request from consumer
Name | Type | Description |
$params | array | GET or POST variables. If this parameter is omited or set to null, then $_GET or $_POST superglobal variable is used according to REQUEST_METHOD. |
$extensions | mixed | extension object or array of extensions objects |
$response | \Zend_Controller_Response_Abstract | an optional response object to perform HTTP or HTML form redirection |
Type | Description |
mixed |

hasUser(string $id) : bool
Returns true if user with given $id exists and false otherwise
Name | Type | Description |
$id | string | user identity URL |
Type | Description |
bool |

login(string $id, string $password) : bool
Performs login of user with given $id and $password Returns true in case of success and false otherwise
Name | Type | Description |
$id | string | user identity URL |
$password | string | user password |
Type | Description |
bool |

register(string $id, string $password) : bool
Registers a new user with given $id and $password Returns true in case of success and false if user with given $id already exists
Name | Type | Description |
$id | string | user identity URL |
$password | string | encoded user password |
Type | Description |
bool |

respondToConsumer(array $params, mixed $extensions = null, \Zend_Controller_Response_Abstract $response = null) : bool
Perepares information to send back to consumer's authentication request, signs it using shared secret and send back through HTTP redirection
Name | Type | Description |
$params | array | GET or POST request variables |
$extensions | mixed | extension object or array of extensions objects |
$response | \Zend_Controller_Response_Abstract | an optional response object to perform HTTP or HTML form redirection |
Type | Description |
bool |